Star Objects is an umbrella project for the various sister projects for the Naked Objects framework. Its purpose is to :
describe the development environment common to all sister projects:
how to set up the development environment;
how to write site and docbook documentation
define standards common to all sister projects:
a Maven corporate POM that defines common third party dependencies, configuration of build plugins and so on;
provide a Maven site skin to provide a common look-n-feel of the Maven sites created for the sister projects.
This developers guide breaks into several parts:
the first part is for those just wanting to build the sister projects from source, without necessarily contributing any changes back to the projects. As such, it is quite short;
the second part is for those who are intending to contribute changes back. It deals with such matters as setting up the development environment, explaining source code structure, how to use the corporate POM, writing documentation and site documentation;
the third part is for use only by those maintaining this (umbrella) project. It deals with releasing the corporate POM and Maven site skin.
Both Naked Objects and all its sister projects are currently hosted on Sourceforge, under Apache Software License v2.