Chapter 5. Templates and Utilities

Table of Contents

5.1. Eclipse Java Editor Templates
5.1.1. JUnit 4 Templates
5.1.2. JMock 2 Templates


This chapter describes how to set up templates, utilities and any other productivity aids. Follow the steps in this chapter if you intend to contribute back to the sister projects. There's no need to perform these steps if you are just building the sister projects from source.

All of the template files described here are checked into Subversion, (at main/standards/src/main/resources). To ease distribution they are uploaded to the Star Objects sourceforge website. The templates are not versioned (other than by Subversion itself).

5.1. Eclipse Java Editor Templates

Like most IDEs, Eclipse allows templates to be defined for common code snippets. Star Objects provides a number of templates to assist with testing.

To import templates, go to Windows > Preferences > Java > Editor > Templates:

5.1.1. JUnit 4 Templates

The JUnit4 templates provide a selection of templates to ease the writing of JUnit4-based unit tests.

The definition file is available at

The templates provided are:

  • jubefore - creates setUp method annotated with @Before

  • juafter - create tearDown method annotated with @After

  • jutest - create method annotated with @Test

  • juassert - create assertThat assertion

5.1.2. JMock 2 Templates

The JMock 2 templates provide a selection of templates to ease the writing of unit test that perform mocking using JMock 2.

The definition file is available

The templates provided are:

  • jmrunwith - @RunWith(JMock.class)

  • jmcontext - initialize Mockery context object

  • jmmock - create a mock using context.mock(Foor.class)

  • jmexpectations - create a set of expectations using context.checking(...)