Chapter 10. Deploying a Code Release

Table of Contents

10.1. Pre-release Check List
10.2. Releasing the Main Module
10.2.1. Release Prepare (Dry Run)
10.2.2. Release Prepare
10.2.3. Deploying the Release
10.3. Support Module
10.4. Deploy Site


This chapter describes how to perform a release, and to deploy that release remotely. It will only be of interest to contributors with admin privileges to release and deploy code.

The release process tags the codebase under trunk into tags, updating the versions in all POMs in the process removing the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix. After the release is finished, it may then be deployed . Note that snapshots do not go through this process and can be deployed at any time (see Chapter 9, Deploying a Code Snapshot).

The release is performed in two parts: first the main artifacts, then the support artifacts.

10.1. Pre-release Check List

First, ensure there are no oustanding code changes.

Then, perform a smoke test:

Finally, if the release is to be deployed remotely (as is typically the case), check the server settings are defined (see Appendix A, Deployment Prerequisites).