Chapter 14. The 'Main' Module (Docs & Site)

Table of Contents

14.1. Source Code Repository
14.2. Building the Documentation & Site
14.3. Deploying the Site

The overall Maven site, along with documentation and the standards resources (for checkstyle, pmd etc) are built from the 'main' parent module. This module depends on both the corporate POM and the Maven skin, so they must have been deployed first.

There is no code in this main module, so building it and deploying it are straightforward. The POMs for the documentation and standards copy over their generated artifacts so that they are uploaded to the site automatically. The documentation is copied using the described earlier (see Section, “Menu items linking to Documentation (parent modules only)”), the standards resource files rely on some bespoke POM copying.

14.1. Source Code Repository

The 'main' module resides in the Star Objects sourceforge repository under trunk/main. Use Subversion to check out:

svn co ~/starobjects/trunk/main